Another year has come to an end (where has the time gone?), and another has just begun. So, now that the new year is here, I’m sure you’re looking to start the year off right with one of the most common New Year’s resolutions: Go to the gym (we already have something in common). Great! However, this New Year, consider the following tips when taking out gym memberships. Ready?
Don’t Become Trapped by Unfair Gym Contracts
If your new year’s resolution involves joining a gym, we have some advice to help you avoid unfair gym contracts.
Empty verbal promises: Free sauna, free classes, free pool…Sounds too good to be true, right? I’ve been hearing from a lot of people lately that they are not being provided the services promised to them. If you’re like these people, don’t blame anyone! If a gym representative makes you any special offers when you’re signing up, be sure they are included in your contract.
Your right to cancel: Signing up for a gym membership is easy, isn’t it? - pay here, sign there. But have you ever tried getting out of a gym contract? Well, it’s not always that easy.
In some cases, you may be charged an early termination fee for canceling a 12-month membership. However, gym contracts contain precise terms regarding the cancellation. Some gyms do allow you to cancel as long as you give one month’s notice and mail a written cancellation request to a specific corporate address.
Some gym providers usually allow you to cancel or put the contract on hold under certain circumstances. For example, in California, you have the right to cancel your contract at any time if you move farther than 25 miles away from the gym you signed up with.
Simply put, before you sign up, make sure you read the terms and conditions of your gym contract to check if you have the right to cancel.
Automatic renewal of gym contracts: Will the contract be automatically extended after the initial membership period? In fact, one of the top complaints against gyms involves the automatic renewal of gym contracts at the end of the term. In some cases, clients are required to notify the gym in writing 30 days or more before the final date of the contract, or it will automatically renew.
Wrapping Things Up…
Planning to sign up for the gym? Then BE VERY CAREFUL about the contracts you sign! Also, if you’re not sure that you can stick to your resolution of going to the gym frequently, don’t get stuck paying for a membership you’re not using (luckily, YouTube alone offers tons of free video tutorials for getting in shape for free).