Nervous? Excited? Yes, yes, Vanessa Rousso was nervous and excited when she went to her first solo hearing as a lawyer. She received clearance from TheFlaBar to be sworn in. The excited newbie went to the first notary she could find to take the oath. An exceptional day after years of hard work and dedication! Life opens doors to Vanessa Rousso and she knocks on the doors to find her path to a great career and life. “I love being a lawyer – so stoked to be on this new path!” she says.
And quite recently she made a great move to join AppearMe – a huge network of attorneys. How fantastic for a newbie lawyer! Great things are waiting for her, for sure. She can gain experience in the practice areas of her interest and even receive entire case referrals! “I am so eager, excited and thankful to embark on this new chapter of my life!” she says talking about her new career.
Here we go! Just recently Vanessa Rousso stepped into the career of a lawyer and now she is a member of a big attorney family with thousands of users. We see that Vanessa is on the right path! She knows how to jump at the opportunity that is promising! “I guess I find my calm not at the finish line looking back at the distance I have traveled, but in the journey, on the run, in the moment, out of breath—looking forward,” she says.
The new journey is just starting! With AppearMe she can move from Florida to New Jersey or wherever her passionate heart takes her! She can relocate, practice and gain valuable experience. She can even enjoy a chat with her friend when clients chase her. She is determined, eager and motivated.
“The world is not—will never be—enough for me. And that’s just the way I like it,” she says. This is what it takes to be a great lawyer. She has a long road ahead of her, with plenty to learn along the way and AppearMe is just a perfect tool to get her career off the ground.
Great move! Great things are going to happen! The start is promising!