Thanksgiving is typically a holiday spent with family, but some people spend the holiday working, just like my husband. A couple of weeks ago Chris came home with some awful news: He has to work on Thanksgiving. Chris has worked as a firefighter for 15 years. During that time, he’s worked on Thanksgiving for seven years in a row. This year, he will be over 500 miles away in San Francisco working, while we will be preparing and eating a special meal, watching American football and just having fun.
There are thousands of other Americans who will not have the day off this Thursday, including shift workers, emergency personnel, and those in the healthcare, retail, and service industries.
So before you make your big plans for the 28th of November, keep reading and see if your boss can make you work on Thanksgiving.
Do You Have to Work on Thanksgiving?
Holidays like Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, and Christmas are referred to as “federal” holidays, meaning they apply to employees of the federal government. So how about those who work for private entities? Though many private employers do offer some or all federal holidays off as an employee benefit, there is no federal law requiring private employers to give their employees holidays, even federal holidays, as paid time off. Thus, your employer is free to schedule you to work on the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, or even Christmas.
Do You Get Paid Extra for Working on a Holiday?
So you reluctantly called your family and friends to inform you are working on Thanksgiving. Chances are you are now wondering, ‘‘Will I get paid a little extra?’’ Unfortunately, private employers are not required by labor laws to provide any sort of additional ‘‘holiday pay’’ for time worked during holidays. In other words, regular overtime rules apply, since the law views holidays as just another business day.
However, some organizations will offer holiday pay (time and a half, a bonus, or some other incentive/reward), even though they’re not required to do so.
Forced to Work on Thanksgiving? You’re Not Alone
Thanksgiving is one of Americans’ favorite holidays. Unfortunately, thousands of people have to work on holidays, just like doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters, retail workers, and many others.
If you’re one of those people who will be working on a holiday and won’t be able to spend this wonderful day with family and friends, I’d like to THANK YOU for doing what you do and for keeping things running.