There is really no need to give a gift to your lawyer. But New Year is at the doors, and you want your lawyer to be really appreciated. So, when you make your holiday shopping list, suddenly you remember the guy that reviews piles of documents and prepares bills you are happy to pay. Should he or she be on your holiday shopping list? If you are happy with your lawyer’s services, a simple thank you in person or in letter might be sufficient but if you really want to make the day for your weirdo lawyer who often takes away painstaking work from you, here is what you can give to him or her.
Your lawyer is someone who is always digging into issues. That’s why they are lawyers! Grab a nice book to curl up with this holiday season!
You want the book to somehow relate to law. Something like Lincoln’s Last Trial or A Higher Loyalty will do. If you want to do even better, buy something in his or her practice area, something like Epstein on Intellectual Property.
Check out all the offerings on sale here, and you may end up with a really good deal.
Apparel and Accessories
You might delight your lawyer with a T-shirt like International Shoe Shirt for Lawyers, Law Students & Judges or a Philadelphia School of Bird Law T-shirt. They cost an average less than $20 but can be a nice gesture by your side. And if you want to make your lawyer a little happier, buy Naughty Nice Lawyer Shirt Santa Hat Law Christmas Gift.
Here are some nice lawyer Christmas tree ornaments for the lawyer in your life.
Food and Drink
Your lawyer likes to party like anyone else. And what is more delightful than to have a cup of coffee in the World’s Okayest Lawyer mug? Another perfect gift can be a wine bottle holder.
You might come up with thousands of other ideas like buying chocolates or whiskey. The most important thing is to know your lawyer’s preferences and go with them.
Finally, games! Who doesn’t like to play games? Your lawyer is a dad/mom and a husband/wife and spending time with the family is part of their life (even if it sounds strange to you). Buying a piece of game might delight them a lot.
LAWSUIT! Board game makes a fantastic holiday gift! The players act daily operation of a law firm with a fictitious lawsuit. They can either settle or appeal cases. This is an awesome gift for a law student or even for your weird lawyer.
Most of these gifts don’t cost more than $30, but they may express appreciation of more than that. So, treat your lawyer the way he or she deserves!