“The Biggest Loser” is an American reality show that airs on NBC. The contestants are…
A Civil Suit Against Los Angeles
The federal class-action lawsuit was filed in 2011 by Olu Orange. The lawsuit argued that…
Trump University Under Several Class Action Lawsuits and Investigation
“If I had a choice of making lots of money or imparting lots of knowledge,…
New Facebook Policy
Soon, messaging will be impossible on the Facebook mobile app. According to a recently published…
Legal Actions Against Fake Reviews
A bad review can really mess up your plans. It does not matter if you…
5 Tips For Remodeling
5 Tips For Remodeling You think your house needs an upgrade and you have finally…
Caltech Sues Apple For Violating Wi-Fi Patents
Caltech sues Apple for patent infringement. The California Institute of Technology sues Apple for knowingly using…
Class Action Lawsuit Against Theranos
A customer is filing a class action lawsuit against Theranos, claiming that the blood-testing service…
A Law To Ban Emails After Work
A new law in France proposes banning emails from your employer after work. The law…
Top 5 Most Sued Celebrities
What do a pop star, a music celebrity and a newly-divorced celebrity have in common?…