Whether you are a housewife or a busy lawyer, you need to keep track of your to-do list. Luckily there are apps in the market that help you keep track of everything. Todoist is one of the most productive task management apps that help you manage tasks be that grocery shopping or more ambitious projects.
What is Todoist?
Todoist is a task management app that helps you organize your to-do least in an easy and accessible manner. With this app, you can manage more and experience less stress with missed deadlines. The nice thing about this app is that it may be used by everyone. We all need to pay the rent, buy groceries or be present at a parents’ meeting. The app is a useful tool for professionals as well. With tons of documents on the desk of a lawyer, Todoist is just a savior.
Todoist Integrates With Slack
If you are a Slack user, it’s super easy to create a task in this platform. Type “/todoist Meet Mr. X tomorrow @important #meetings ” into Slack, and a task will be automatically created on Todoist under Meetings project. This makes task management a lot easier without the need to shift from one app to another.
How much does Todoist cost?
You can purchase Premium account at the cost of $29 per year. If you use Todoist Business, you can try free for 30 days, and plans cost $3 per user per month. When you think of all the help that the app gives you during a day relieving all the stress, it makes you want to pay $3 for your peace of mind. However, Todoist has a lot of free of charge services as well. Make sure to check their website.
You Can Share Tasks with Others
You can invite someone to a project and assign them tasks. And it is not a must that these people have a Todoist account. Free users can share a project with up to 5 people per each project.
As for now, I can say that Todoist makes life a lot easier, especially those who have a lot of things to accomplish in a day.