Ever heard about the Uber of Law? That’s what they say about Docubot ™. The chatbot is a document generating, legal artificial intelligence technology. It provides access to justice without even the need to sit down with a lawyer.
What is Docubot™?
Docubot is an artificial intelligence tool for legal websites. The estimates suggest that people who are not participating in the legal market save $45 billion unspent dollars just by using the tool. When somebody needs help, they just need to type ‘help,’ and the chat will connect to a legal professional in your office.
Docubot ™ is handy for both consumers and legal professionals. It allows lawyers to help more people and creates opportunities for new clients. Customers can use the chat from anywhere in the world expanding the scope of work for legal professionals. In fact, it helps reduce the number of smaller cases and allows lawyers to spend more time on larger cases.
On the consumer side, this means a reduced rate. The service may even be free. They can access legal justice no matter where they are at the moment reducing the geographical constraints. It is especially useful for people who cannot afford legal help at market price.
Jason Velez, the Lead Dreamer behind Docubot ™ says “created with both the lawyer and the consumer in mind, “Docubot ™ and our On-Demand products create an augmented legal service.” “It drives the costs down for consumers while increasing the value of a lawyer’s touch. We have merged the chatbot experience with an on-demand video chat with an attorney,” she says.
You can use Docubot ™ to generate legal documents. The chatbot finds and analyzes all information necessary to generate the document. You can integrate this chatbot into any website via a WordPress plugin. The tool will also allow users to interact via SMS. This solution is specifically designed to help serve Legal Aid.
Just a couple of years ago Artificial Intelligence in the form of legal chatbots seemed to be from the realm of science fiction. Docubut ™ is here to tell us that the time when more complex cases can be processed through chatbot is not far away. We are witnessing a major upcoming shift in the legal industry. The first seeds are here. The change is going to affect everything from employment to education to legal management. Although one cannot predict everything now, the AI developments are promising to offer surprises.