Are you a student? Do you have a MAC?
Consumer Law Magazine has put together a few tips to make your studies easier and more productive. Some of these MAC tips
Your Mac Can Read Back To You
Your MAC can read back to you your papers or important emails that you have to sent to your instructors. When you go through the same 1000 word essay 15 times, even the most obvious flaws can escape your attention. It is a good idea to read the text out loud before submitting, but it works much better if somebody reads it to you. To make your MAC read the text to you select the text and go to Edit > Speech > Start Speaking.
Signing Documents
As you go through college the amount of papers to sign increases day by day. So, instead of doing it the old fashioned way (printing, signing, scanning) now, you can do it right on your MAC. There are two ways to do it.
Drag the PDF that has to be signed into the email you are sending. Hover over it and you will see a little button appear at the top right. Click it and you will see the Markup option for signing documents.
The second option is signing a document on a piece of paper and then holding it close to your Mac webcam. It is very simple to cut the background and keep the signature in a digital format.
Split Screen
It became easier to use this feature in the new in OS X 10.11 El Capitan. Split Screen view is our personal favorite, especially when taking notes. Open two windows side by side, adjust them to your comfort and get down to work. It is so comfortable when you have the text on one side and a blank document on the other, no distractions.
Taking Notes on PDF
If only we could keep track of all the time and paper that is wasted during one academic year on NOTES only! With the recent features of Mac Preview, you can now easily annotate PDFs and images. The Preview app provides options for highlighting, strikethrough, shapes, arrows, speech bubble, thought bubbles, drawings and much more.
Shortcuts For Everything
This Mac feature is the best thing that could have happened to a procrastinator. Now, you can create shortcuts as you like. System Preferences > Keyboard > Application Shortcuts. Keep in mind that the new shortcut has to be a unique key combination. Click the + button to create a shortcut. Choose the app you want to apply it to from the drop-down list. Make sure you know the exact name of the menu command because you will have to type it in the next box.
Let us know if you find these tips useful and share yours on our social media.
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