Hiring a personal injury attorney improves your chances of winning a personal injury case. However, there are situations or cases which you can fight on your own and win too. Of course, the idea can save a lot of money for you. However, do not get too influenced by this idea and start thinking of the personal injury attorney as a redundant fraternity. There are, at the same time, a lot of cases which you cannot compete without the help of personal injury law attorneys. So, when you decide to claim compensation for personal injury, carefully consider whether you need expert help or can fight on your own.
Given below is a guide to deciding whether you need expert help in fighting a personal injury case.
When should you not avail external help?
You can fight your case on your own in the following types of injuries.
• Injury due to defective products.
• Accidents at home.
• Automobile, cycle or pedestrian accidents.
• Injury due to negligence of duty, for example, broken pavement.
• Slippery roads which could have been maintained better.
Why should you fight the above cases on your own?
The most compelling reason is probably, savings. You know that a personal injury lawyer claims a substantial percentage of the compensation you earn and that eats up a lot of the money you get. And in cases which are rather simple, you might not actually be able to earn anything if you employ a lawyer. So, fight on your own and enjoy all the money you get.
Second, in these cases, it is rather simple to stake your claim. All the claims process takes are some letters, documents, if applicable, photographs and some follow-ups. Usually, considering the stature of the claims, the people managing the claims process do not know a lot about the claims domain. So, you have just got to be persistent and probably, a little assertive.
Third, in these cases, standard compensation is often documented and easy to find. All that you have to do is to stake your claim, produce supporting documents and follow up.
When should you avail external help?
You should fight your case with expert help in the following types of injuries.
Permanently disabling or long-term injuries
Usually, such injuries require large compensation sums and so, the settlement process can be complicated and contested fiercely by the defendant. It is not simple to prove the role of the defendant in your injury. Only a qualified lawyer can handle this.
Medical malpractice and toxic releases
In such cases, often, you are pitted against a medical establishment which could be quite influential. It is expected that the establishment is going to employ lawyers to defend it. Injury due to medical negligence is not simple to prove, even if you have all documents and receipts because often, negligence and profit motive is behind medical malpractice. Only a qualified lawyer can use the law to wriggle out confidential documents which can go a long way in proving that medical malpractice has indeed occurred.