California Del Amo Motorsports Offers Benefits to Consumers

Del Amo Motorsports

A settlement is reached in the class action lawsuit filed against Del Amo Motorsports. It offers benefits to all the consumers who bought vehicles from the company through branded cards.

The plaintiff who filed the lawsuit is Genes P. Ferreras. The suit alleges Del Amo Motorsports offered financing for motorcycle purchases using branded credit cards.

The lawsuit states that Capital One NA and its predecessor banks issued these cards. The defendant was advertising that the names of the credit cards match names of the company’s motorcycles. That’s to say, the credit cards have these names: ‘’Yamaha Card’’, Suzuki Card’’, etc. The plaintiff asserts the defendant didn’t disclose essential information concerning the financing of motorcycles through branded credit cards.

According to the lawsuit, Del Amo Motorsports violated the following law: Rees-Levering Automobile Sales Finance Act. In other words, the defendant spread misleading and deceptive information concerning the branded credit financing plan. This refers to the payment terms and interest rates. However, the company failed to admit that they violated any laws.

Del Amo Motorsports class action settlement terms

According to the settlement terms, the company must create a fund of $956,420. Del Amo Motorsport informs that the settlement refers to 2,743 Class members.

It’s worth mentioning that the company will have to cover attorney fees, as well as costs associated with settlement administration. In addition to that, the plaintiff is seeking an award of $7,500, but it needs the court’s approval.

Actually, the Class members have the legal right to object to this settlement. They also have the option of excluding themselves from the settlement. In this case, they should just submit a written request by September 8, 2017.

The distribution of the Class members’ payment is based also on the sum of money which he/she spent through the defendant’s credit cards.

No proof of purchase is necessary. Payments will be distributed to Class Members, based on Del Amo Motorsports’ own sales records.It’s also essential to point out that Class members don’t have to provide any proof of purchase.

If you are a Class member, you should know that you will receive the payment in an automatic manner. This means that you don’t have to take any steps to get the payment. If you have doubts regarding your eligibility, feel free to contact the settlement administrator. In this way, you can find the answers to all your questions.

About the company

Del Amo Motorsports, located in Southern California, is the biggest dealership on the coast. It offers customers motorcycles, scooters, personal watercraft, etc. Furthermore, here you can find Spyder, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, Ducati, Can-Am motorcycles.

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