The legal world is changing in literally minutes. Massive transformations are vivid in document management and authentication. Now in addition to getting contracts or agreements signed, businesses can also notarize and execute documents online with NotaryCam.
The app became possible in 2012 when the Commonwealth of Virginia made remote video notarization legal. Now online notarization is legal in 50 states. Businesses can execute documents anywhere in the world.
Easier than never before with NotaryCam
NotaryCam is a ground-breaking innovation in the legal field making transactions a lot easier. To notarize a document, you need to upload the document, connect to a live Notary face-to-face on a webcam or iPad and electronically sign the document. The notary verifies and confirms the identity and puts the eNotary seal.
The app has a tremendous impact on the business world. Real estate transactions, mortgage, and escrow settlement process have become easier than ever before taking place in a virtual room.
Signatories can be from any location. The app also schedules multiple signing sessions if any of the parties is not available at the moment.
At this time, you can notarize the documents only if they are in English. You can take care of the translation by visiting and have the text translated.
It Couldn’t Have Run Easier
You can be in one state, and your partner may be in another. All you need to do is to join the notary in a virtual signing room. As Dana Jackson who was engaged in a real estate transaction puts it, “We were all connected and looking at each other from four separate states. At first, everyone had a little uncertainty… but it was easy and took just about 30 minutes.” “It couldn’t have run smoother,” she says.
The founder of NotaryCam, Rick Triola, states, “Back in 1999, we paved the way for electronic signatures and today we are just as excited to be able to now notarize documents online as well. No longer will real estate transactions have to take place at the office nor will those who travel abroad search frantically for someone to process their paperwork. We’ve even been able to assist deployed military get Power of Attorneys signed in real time. It’s exciting to see the endless possibilities.”
It’s true that the world is witnessing new forms of legal business. NotaryCam is one of the leaders in the industry revolutionizing the old ways of making the deals.