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- The Truth About Oscars Pizza Guy and Ellen
The Truth About Oscars Pizza Guy and Ellen

Most Americans love talk shows, major events like the Oscars and other entertainment programs. We read the morning paper, watch the news and follow certain industry blogs. However, very few people ask “How do these ‘news’ end up on most of our television programs and shows”? Do not be shocked, but 90% of what you read and see is PAID FOR!
YES, it costs money to be on these shows and here is why! As time went on consumers stopped believing, watching and reading the regular ads that are shown throughout the TV programs, the news broadcasts or printed in the newspapers. Consumers have used technology like TiVo or DVR through which they fast forward the ads and skip to their favorite programs. So the media had to get creative in how to sell you ads without you realizing. To do so the ads had to be more creative and engaging. So the emphases shifted to content advertisement and what we sometimes refer to as “PR”.
As you watch a talk show or the late night comedy show today or tomorrow, pay attention at the topics discussed and the guests. Most of the time the “guests” are either celebrities who “accidentally” have a new movie coming out, a new book being launched or have a business to run! Now, look at Big Mamas Big Papas pizza. This is a fast growing pizza company that recently started offering franchise opportunities or some kind of a partnership to be involved in a business. Do you really think that the “delivery guy’s” visit was a random call on behalf of Ellen during the Oscars? Just think about the logistical and security concerns! Well, long story short, it’s a great pizza joint, an expanding business that creates more jobs in our local LA market! However, our research has revealed that appearance on a show like “The Ellen DeGeneres Show”, “Oprah” and many others charge anywhere from $100,000 to $350,000 per appearance! Considering the audience and the reach of major networks, it is a worth while proposition. The shows get content to air and the businesses get audience to touch!
Ask any entrepreneur how difficult it is to get coverage in a major newspaper, magazine or even the news. Everyone will affirm that hiring the “right” PR firm will get you anywhere. So if PR is allegedly “free” why do businesses spend so much marketing dollars on PR?
So, How much did Samsung pay for the “selfie” to be taken with it’s Galaxy phone? Reportedly it cost the company $20,000,000 for the selfie act and the rest of the ads it run during the Oscars telecast as reported by the Wall Street Journal!

Ben K
March 5, 2014 at 10:23 am
Not a bad proposition for a business though!!!