Lemon Law Lawyer

RackSpace Hosting - Class Action Investigation

By on December 28, 2015

There is a reason why RackSpace changed its slogan from “Fanatical customer support” to a self proclaimed “The #1 Managed Cloud Company”. Their customer service actually went out of the window the second they started pushing and forcing their dedicated server clients to move to their cloud hosting.

Unfair business practices, among many other fraudulent activities have been reported by many of their old and, in some cases, new customers. Firsts the company stopped providing the customer and technical service that was promised before. Later the company started charging extra for the customer service that used to be included in the managed hosting packages. And then they started forcing clients to move to their cloud hosting, which for many turned out to be 2 to 3 times more expensive than their contracted managed servers.

To add to this nightmare, the company required at least 30 days to cancel an account and usually it took 60 to 90 days to do so. The clients who did not pay the monthly bill beyond the 30 days period were reported and passed on to collection agencies (despite the fact that these individuals had a $0.00 balance due).

If you or anyone you know have had any issues with RackSpace please considering participating in this pre-class-action investigation against the company by calling The Margarian Law Firm at (818) 553-1000.

This may be deemed solicitation pursuant to CA State Bar regulations.

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About Kristina Forbes

Kristina is one of our top lemon law expert writers. She does her best to talk to lemon law lawyers and dealer fraud specialist before writing informative articles or reporting the latest news. Cars are her passion. Car safety is her priority. Informing those who have been defrauded has become her passion. Consumer Law Magazine

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