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Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention

In America, the current phenomenon of an aging population is well known. People are having fewer children than they once did during the so-called Baby Boomer era. Coupled with the fact that people are generally living longer than in the past, these are some explanation of conditions that have given rise to increasing instances of elder abuse and neglect.
Like many crimes and injustices, cases of elder abuse and neglect more often than not will go unreported. The purpose of this post is twofold;
- Educate the public about the problem
- Encourage same to action
The action that it is hoped will occur is for you to report any suspected instances of elder abuse and neglect to appropriate organizations that can take the necessary steps to render aid to the victims of these ongoing injustices.
The prevalence of these conditions is indeed an unfortunate commentary on our modern society. But by connecting with the above web sites, you can help to facilitate their abatement.
The reader of this post is the one with the power to decide upon which direction these disturbing trends will take. By contacting either of the above sites, you can bring about a change for the better in a troubled life.
Or by not paying attention to another’s plight, you will, by your indifference or fear of getting involved, help to cause society at large to continue further down this dangerous path.
Remember that if we are lucky enough, down the road of life we all will become elders at some point. If that is true then we are all at risk of falling prey to elder abuse and neglect.
You may recall the old saying that what goes around comes around. If such a thing can be true, then consider the help that you may render to a victim of elder abuse or neglect as a form of insurance policy that should you ever be in a similar quandary, aid will more likely be available to you as well.

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