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When To Outsource Legal Services

By on February 23, 2014
Legal Services

In a world where technology is everywhere, many companies are taking advantage by outsourcing certain aspects of their company. Some companies outsource their HR departments, some outsource their marketing departments, and some even outsource their payroll/billing departments.

But along with these general outsourcing options, many industries offer specialized outsourcing options. Take lawyers, for example. Today, there is no need for a law firm to do everything in house. Instead, there are plenty of outsourcing options they can choose from to make their businesses run smoother. If you own or work for a law firm, the following are a few reasons that you may want to consider outsourcing your legal services.

You need to cut costs.

Running a law firm can be expensive. You have to rent (or buy) an office, buy office supplies, pay taxes, pay utilities, pay salaries and pay for other business related expenses, such as marketing. If your company is constantly struggling to stay within your budget, or if you just simply need to cut costs, legal outsourcing can be the way to go. You can easily find a third-party service that can perform the tasks you need for less money than it would cost to pay someone to be employed with your company.

You need expert input.

Legal outsourcing allows your law firm to tap into expert resources you may not have on hand at your own firm. For example, if you’re a litigation firm, you may not have all the experts on hand that you would need for a specific case, so you may have to outsource the help of a specific litigation specialist, such as a lawyer who specializes in litigation coding. Obviously, if this niche lawyer is not something your law firm needs to provide your clients regularly, there’s no reason to keep one on staff. So, you would outsource it.

You need something done quickly.

Chances are all of your employees are tackling a variety of cases and responsibilities, so when a project arises that needs immediate attention, it can cause an issue. For example, the individual working on the project will now need to put their other responsibilities on hold, and this can cause a backlog. Plus, one person is only able to do so much in one day, and fulfilling the needs of the project could be stressful.

By outsourcing your legal needs, you can receive the results you want in a timely manner without compromising your other cases. For example, if you need to find a specific witness, you could hire a private investigator to do that job while you stick to your other tasks. If you need something done by morning, you could outsource help overseas, as the 12-hour gap in time will allow you (and the outsourced team) to work on the project in a full 24 hours, thus giving you more time to finish it without pulling an all nighter.

You need a specialized service.

Every law firm has employees that specialize in certain responsibilities, but sometimes paying these individuals to perform one task seems to put a strain on the budget. If you’re in need of a specialized service, such as professional legal transcripts, then you may want to consider outsourcing. Why should you pay a member of your staff a salary to transcribe court documents when there are plenty of professional transcription services out there willing to do it for less while still keeping the same quality? If your law firm is in need of a specialized service, make the smart decision to outsource.

Guest Author: Lizzie Lau is a freelance writer and online marketing consultant with Lizzie combines personal opinions and research to create appealing and informative articles on various topics.

About Natalie Ghoukassian

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