Lemon Law Lawyer

Caltech Sues Apple For Violating Wi-Fi Patents

By on June 1, 2016

Apple is being sued by Caltech for patent infringement.

The California Institute of Technology sues Apple for knowingly using Wi-Fi microchips that supposedly violate four patents of the university. A lawsuit filed last Thursday, at the United States District Court For The Central District of California, accuses Apple for using and profiting from patented Caltech technology embedded in Apple products since iPhone 5. The patents were granted from 2006 to 2012. This isn’t the first time that Apple has been involved in a court process concerning universities and patents. In 2015, jury ruled that Apple was supposed to pay $234 million to the University of Wisconsin-Madison for infringing a patent concerning processor performance.

Plaintiffs expect to prohibit sales of Apple products that have been developed using the Caltech patents. Caltech stated that their patents “allow for faster data transmissions,” simplify the needed hardware and are integral to the most recent Wi-Fi standards (802.11n and 802.11ac ). Caltech argues that both Apple and Broadcom are involved in the illegal actions. Apple is among the biggest clients of Broadcom. It provides 14 percent of the revenue. Because the chips for Apple were created by Broadcom, the company has been targeted by the lawsuit as well.

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About Lucy Bichakhchyan

Lucy Bichakhchyan is the CEO and founder of ANSTORAGIR youth initiative.

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