Lemon Law Lawyer

Nordstrom and New Balance Class Action Lawsuit

By on April 29, 2016

I wonder how many of you are interested in what percentage of imported materials your shoes or clothes contain. While this may sound rather odd to some people, there ARE consumers who are not so much into buying clothes and shoes made with imported components. In addition to this, there ARE consumers who are deeply concerned about the validity of “Made in the USA” label on their clothing.

California law does not allow selling goods branded as “Made in America” or anything similar if the goods are not at least 90% made and produced in the U.S. So, based on this fact is the claim of Mr. Joel Joseph who has filed a class action against New Balance and Nordstrom for violating two California laws.

Joseph is the plaintiff in this class action lawsuit and he will be representing himself in the court. The class action alleges that on most consumers’ opinion, imported goods and materials are of lower quality than those produced in the United States. The plaintiff wants to represent a group of consumers who, during the past three years, have bought athletic shoes (from the two aforementioned companies) that contained “USA” and “Made in the USA” labels. In addition, he wants to represent those who have purchased clothes online on a Nordstrom store and who have not been provided proper information about where the products come from.

The chairman and founder of the Made in the USA Foundation Joseph feels confident about his claim. He is thus going to prove that the shoes sold by the two companies contain more than 10% of imported materials. Hence, if you have purchased clothing or shoes from either Nordstrom or New Balance during the last 3 years in the state of California, then you can join the cause for your rights.

http://consumerlawmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/LemonLaw-970x90.jpg http://consumerlawmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/MLaw-Banner-970x90-A.jpg

About Anna Aria

I am a storyteller with a passion for knowledge and a flair for writing. I strongly believe that knowledge is meant to be shared, for there is a lot we can learn from each other. My hobbies include reading, drinking wine, and traveling.

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